Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Denali Undergoing Exploratory Surgery

Tomorrow morning Denali will undergo exploratory surgery on his spine.  We're asking for your continued Love, Support, Prayers and Donations (if so called).

Thanks to all of you that have been asking about him.  We hope to know more afterwards.

If you'd like to Donate - please click here:  DONATE NOW

Friday, August 13, 2010

Shadowland Foundation live on All Paws Pet Talk

Paul and Colette are on live Friday, August 13th Nationwide starting at 5:10 PM  In Los Angeles, 8:10 PM on the East coast. All Paws Pet Talk saw us on Fox News Channel and are anxious to help our cause. Please join in.
WTAN 1340 AM   West Coast of Florida..Cedar Key South to Venice
WDCF 1350 AM  Central Florida
WZHR 1400 AM  Central + North Florida
KLRG   880 AM  All of  Arkansas, Parts of Tennessee, Missouri, Louisiana, Oklahoma
WARL  1320 AM  Rhode Island, Massachusetts
KCAA 1050 AM    Southern California
KTAE  1330 AM   Central Texas
WJJG  1530 AM     Illinois

Friday, August 6, 2010

Good News

"A federal judge reinstated Endangered Species Act protections for wolves in Montana and Idaho, saying the government made a political decision in removing the protections from just two of the three states where Rocky Mountain wolves roam.

U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy said in his ruling that the entire Rocky Mountain wolf population either must be listed as an endangered species or removed from the list, but the protections for the same population can't be different for each state."

YEAH!! Now Alaska! and New Mexico!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fox News Coverage Link

If you missed the live coverage on Tuesday, click  HERE  to view the video.  Please leave your comments as we appreciate all your thoughts and support.  Together we can  educate people on the importance of this beautiful Keystone species.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Day in our Life - LIVE VIDEO Coverage

Fox News Channel will be spending the day with our pack on Tuesday, August 3rd. from 7am PST ALL DAY!

So - Tivo it - DVR it - or sit back and watch us live on and off all day!