Wednesday, December 29, 2010

On the road again!

We are just 10 miles from Cedar City Utah returning home from CSU and our continuing journey for Shadow’s sake. We wanted to drive straight through and miss the impending storms in southern California, but ran into a snow storm in Beaver, UT (birth place of Butch Cassidy). The fresh snow was just gorgeous. Paul however was concerned about the snow as it meant a difficult drive for us…but the worst seems to be over here on the road, but we are not looking forward to driving into the never ending thunderstorms hitting LA.
It has been one week today since we took Shadow in to see Dr. Tzipory to find out what was causing Shadow’s nose bleed. Before her MRI he went over all of the possible causes…ending with what he called the worst possible scenario; a fungal infection. “They are worse than cancer,” he exclaimed. Two hours later he called us to view the images. No matter how positive I had kept my thoughts and how hard I had imagined this meeting being just a minor complication, I knew when I walked into the room that it was not good news. I could feel it from Dr. Tzipory’s body language and lack of greeting. My body started a kind of collapse from deep inside me and I had to sit before he even spoke. Looking inside a brain is quite phenomenal thing in any situation, but to see infection to such an extent in her small little head was just unbearable. Paul just crossed his arms, held it together and took care of business. He leads us with such power, precision and fortitude; he constantly impresses me with his courage and commitment.
Still under anesthesia, they took her back into surgery at around noon. He said they would be able to tell what kind of infection it was when they got in there. Our concern was that the culture we had done back in LA was to take 3 weeks to find out if it is fungal or not. The research I did indicated that fungal infections were deadly if not discovered in 8 days, and it had already been over 10 days since her first symptoms. How maddning!
We whiled away the hours by grocery shopping, washing the truck, and then tried to take a nap…still no word. We stayed at the Kiva Best Western again in our little pet friendly room and Paul set up his little traveling kitchenette; he is so proud of his regression to his old Boy Scout days.   About to go stir crazy, at 6PM the call came. Dr. Tzipory’s voice was an indication of the news to come; it was fungal and in her brain. He removed the bone cement and the muscle and tendons he had created for her as a protective cover over her brain. It was covered with spores and the infection had taken over the area where the cyst was removed just 5 weeks earlier. He cleaned the area and said he doused it with hydrogen peroxide believe it or not.
There are very few cases where the prognosis was good with this kind of infection. Most owners pull the plug at this point because the drugs they use are for humans and quite expensive and could cause kidney damage as a side effect. They have some data of one dog that had the infection in his lungs and lymph system; it is still alive and well. This fungus is usually present in the sinus of all dogs and humans as well and lies dormant until the immune system is compromised. Considering her cancer was all sinus related…well, there you go.
At this point, Shadow had not woken from surgery and we had to wait and see her condition when the anesthesia wore off. In the meantime, we had Dr. LaRue, Shadow’s Radiation Oncologist, on the phone discussing euthanasia. This was excruciating for all of us. When we got off of the phone, Paul wiped his eyes, stopped crying and said he just didn’t want to give up on her. Our alternative to giving her the medication is to take her home, watch her deteriorate and wait for her to tell us she cannot take it anymore. Knowing Shadow, she would never give up, she hasn’t so far.
When Dr. Tzipory called back and said she was up, breathing on her own, and headed for the door again ready to go home; so we gave him the go ahead and Paul went into, “how to pay for it” mode. They gave her the first treatment that same evening. She responded well, no adverse reactions and she is to have 3 treatments a week, for 3 weeks. We stayed for the first week of treatment. Her last treatment was Monday and they checked her kidneys and they are just fine. It is his belief that the infection is systemic so we have to get it into her blood stream so the medication is delivered through an IV with fluids at the same time to protect her kidneys.
On Christmas day, we took Shadow, Allie and Takoda to the mountains and let them run in the snow. Shadow was so excited, had a big smile on her face and her tail went up for the first time since she got to drink out of the creek before we got to CSU. It was sad to see her struggle a bit as she is so weak from the surgery. She took it easy though, and let us know she was done by crawling into Paul’s arms as if to say, “thank you, I needed that.”
I have to applaud Takoda and Allie for their devotion to Shadow. They have lived on Shadow’s very sedate schedule with little or no complaint. Takoda took to the snow and played hard like the arctic he is and Allie indulged him a little by playing with him some. Her beta self is happiest just holding down the fort and staying close, guarding and protecting the pack.
Everyone here is astounded by Shadow’s strong constitution and love of life. Yet again, she is another case study, now for this new anti-fungal for animals. Her purpose in life seems to include this contribution to the medical community. I have to tell you that it infuriates me that she has had to endure all of this medical treatment and yet I am filled with gratitude at the same time. We can only assist her in this journey, which is our honor and pleasure.
Our next assignment is to find someone to help us create a custom helmet for her so she can enjoy the puppies and the outdoors. She thrives on her connection to the earth. Our new property when we procure it will be the best medicine in the world, but without something to protect her brain; she will not be able to participate. Any resources you may be able to recommend would be greatly appreciated.
As always, with all our being, we appreciate your continued and never ending support.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Election Day - Vote With Your Heart

Dear Fellow Pack Members,

As you know, tomorrow is Election Day. This is a critical time for our environment and our planet as a whole. We can no longer delay policy that will help turn around the damage done and start to heal the planet before the consequences are irrevocable. We here at Shadowland Foundation urge you to be mindful of this when casting your vote. Please vote for those candidates and propositions that will support the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.  We ask that you vote with your hearts to secure these protections, and that we continue to move forward with clean energy, green jobs and a green economy to ensure the survival of all species and all life on this Earth. It's time!

Eternally grateful,
The Shadowland Foundation

Saturday, September 25, 2010

In Loving Memory of Denali

Shadowland Foundation and our pack family is very indebted to all of you, our extended pack community for your vigilant support through Denali's journey.

It is with great sadness I have to announce that he had another episode of hydrocephalus and this time the quality of his life here with us was severely impaired.

At 4PM yesterday we let him go in the arms of his loving family and friends. He is and will always be our beautiful, handsome wolf pup and he will live with us forever in Spirit.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers, love and good thoughts. We are honored to have had such a great "Old Soul" in our lives and applaud his courage and bravery to face this condition gracefully and patiently. He left a huge "paw print" on our hearts and all of those he met.

To those who were and are able to offer us financial support for his medical expenses, we thank you from the depth of our being. Bless you, always.

Give a Love Offering Here

Your support is invaluable to us.  Thank you, thank you, thank you...

Paul, Colette, Shadow, Alaska, Takoda, Ogin, Cochise, Kachina, Chenoa, Tehya, Keme, and especially Denali!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Denali Undergoing Exploratory Surgery

Tomorrow morning Denali will undergo exploratory surgery on his spine.  We're asking for your continued Love, Support, Prayers and Donations (if so called).

Thanks to all of you that have been asking about him.  We hope to know more afterwards.

If you'd like to Donate - please click here:  DONATE NOW

Friday, August 13, 2010

Shadowland Foundation live on All Paws Pet Talk

Paul and Colette are on live Friday, August 13th Nationwide starting at 5:10 PM  In Los Angeles, 8:10 PM on the East coast. All Paws Pet Talk saw us on Fox News Channel and are anxious to help our cause. Please join in.
WTAN 1340 AM   West Coast of Florida..Cedar Key South to Venice
WDCF 1350 AM  Central Florida
WZHR 1400 AM  Central + North Florida
KLRG   880 AM  All of  Arkansas, Parts of Tennessee, Missouri, Louisiana, Oklahoma
WARL  1320 AM  Rhode Island, Massachusetts
KCAA 1050 AM    Southern California
KTAE  1330 AM   Central Texas
WJJG  1530 AM     Illinois

Friday, August 6, 2010

Good News

"A federal judge reinstated Endangered Species Act protections for wolves in Montana and Idaho, saying the government made a political decision in removing the protections from just two of the three states where Rocky Mountain wolves roam.

U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy said in his ruling that the entire Rocky Mountain wolf population either must be listed as an endangered species or removed from the list, but the protections for the same population can't be different for each state."

YEAH!! Now Alaska! and New Mexico!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fox News Coverage Link

If you missed the live coverage on Tuesday, click  HERE  to view the video.  Please leave your comments as we appreciate all your thoughts and support.  Together we can  educate people on the importance of this beautiful Keystone species.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Day in our Life - LIVE VIDEO Coverage

Fox News Channel will be spending the day with our pack on Tuesday, August 3rd. from 7am PST ALL DAY!

So - Tivo it - DVR it - or sit back and watch us live on and off all day!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010



With the blessing of our new pack members comes the time and necessity to grow our organization even further.

We have been informed by the City of Los Angeles that the licenses granted to us in October 2009 were improper. Although an error on their part, we have discovered that obtaining the proper licensing and permits will require us to move Shadowland Foundation, Inc. from its present location.

It is for the Highest Good of the Foundation, our Pack, and all concerned, that we find another place to operate IMMEDIATELY.

Our goal is to procure our dream location, the ranch we call "Freedom" mentioned in our Mission and Vision statement.

In order to make it affordable for everyone to make a contribution, we have come up with a formula for success. Currently we have about 1034 people on our mailing list. If everyone who receives this email made a tax deductable contribution of just $15 and shared this email with 20 of their friends who also gave $15...we would have reached 16,667 people and ... Raised $ 250,000 !!!
Go to our Website NOW to Support us TODAY!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wolves in the Den

Our pack has just expanded exponentially!  Allie gave birth to 7 wolf cubs on Saturday, May 29th.   Take a 'Sneak Peek' here by watching this news video from KTLA.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Capital Campaign

There are a variety of ways to assist Shadowland Foundation, Inc. with its expansion and growth at this time. Please review our wish list below and see if any of these generous gifts are within your means. We appreciate your participation and help:

Building Supplies:

We have to build and repair a fence to enclose the property. The indoor classroom needs a new roof, kitchen and bathroom. There are platforms and training apparatus we can build to work the animals and prepare the puppies for the educational programs. We also have a design and plan to build an imitation rock climbing habitat for agility training, exercise and a natural playground for the wolves to enjoy.

Green treated lumber – 4 x 4 x 8, 10, & 12 ft posts
8 & 10 ft
2 x 4 x 8, 10, & 12 ft lengths
2 x 6 x 8, 10 & 12 ft lengths
3/8” & ½” sheets of plywood
24 volt Dewitt cordless drill
1, 1 ½, & 2 inch galvanized wood screws
roofing felt paper
composition roof tiles
bathroom toilet
shower stall
kitchen cabinets
kitchen sink
kitchen stove
St Augustine sod
2 ea 110 volt wall ac units

Vehicles: During the fall and winter months we are blessed with the ability to run the wolves up at the training site in Acton, CA. Unfortunately, we cannot safely run them there in the spring and summer months because it becomes rattlesnake territory. We have come up with a fun and unique way to give them the exercise they require here in the heart of the city.

electric golf cart (4 seater)
adult tandem tricycle

Camera Equipment: We are developing a web series, online educational presentations and a documentary about our journey through Shadow’s cancer treatment and recovery. These items and their updated technology would give us broadcast ready footage.

Cannon VIXIA S21
zoom lens
digital projector
lighting equiptment
final cut pro editing services

Thanks for your support!  And, now you can contribute and receive a tax-deductible receipt!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Southwest Wolf Reintroduction Effort Faces Long Odds

Source:  Timber Wolf News

By almost all accounts, after 12 years of trial and error, the government's Mexican wolf recovery program is a failure -- both biologically and politically.

"The program is in crisis," said Eva Sargent, Southwest program director for Defenders of Wildlife, one of several of groups that have closely monitored FWS's recovery efforts. "They need to figure out what they need to do, and do it quick."

"The program isn't working," said Erik Ness, a spokesman for the New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau, which has fought the government over its reintroduction efforts. "They'll never make ranchers happy, because they're feeding beef to these wolves."

But Benjamin Tuggle, FWS's Southwest regional director and top overseer of the recovery program, says the agency is determined to keep at it. "I kind of bristle when I hear the word failure," he said. "I know there are a lot of people who would like to believe we're failing, but I don't take that position. We're not backing off."

Read the rest of the article HERE.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wolves Return to Colorado

This article is from 'High Country News'. 

Officially, wild wolves do not live in Colorado. The nearest established population is in Wyoming, where gray wolves were introduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995. But rumors of wolf sightings abound in Colorado, and in recent years, at least two wolves have died in the state. In 2004, a young radio-collared female wolf from Yellowstone was killed on Interstate 70 near Idaho Springs, about 30 miles west of Denver. In the winter of 2009, another young female collared wolf traveled a 1,000-mile-long route from the Yellowstone region to the Meeker, Colo., area, roughly 20 miles from where Eisenberg and her crew work.

Like most scientists, Eisenberg and her colleagues are cautious. For months, even among themselves, they half-jokingly spoke of "visitors from the North," reluctant to name a species as controversial as the gray wolf. They emphasize that DNA testing, now under way at a lab at the University of California, Los Angeles, is needed to back up their identification of the animal or animals that produced the scat and tracks. But whatever the animal is, it appears to be eating what wild wolves eat, and traveling over the landscape the way wild wolves do.

When wolves arrive in an ecosystem, everything changes: the ecology, the politics, relationships both animal and human. "We know more about wolves, and the management of wolves, than we do about many other forms of wildlife," says Douglas Smith, leader of the Yellowstone wolf project. "But we rarely get to put it into practice, because people freak out, flat-out freak out, when a wolf shows up."

Read the rest of the article HERE.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

IGive Promotion

Help us raise money to support our Wolf Educational Programs while you Search and as you Shop!
For each person who joins iGive using this special link  and does just one web search on their site between now and 9AM Thursday, they'll give Shadowland Foundation Inc. a dollar.

Of course, the more you search (or buy something) the more money will be donated to Shadowland Foundation Inc.  For each additional search we'll receive $.02 and a bonus $5 for your first purchase!

The special $1.00 per Search is only good until 9AM Thurs. Jan. 21st.


Thanks for your support!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wolf Wisdom Talk

A true story chronicling the adventures of a wolf named Shadow, guiding us through her cancer.
Here a clip of the talk by clicking on the YouTube link to the upper-right.

Presented by:  Colette Duvall, co-founder of Shadowland Foundation Inc.

Colette Duvall is a licensed Practioner and Ministerial Student for the International Centers for Spiritual Living from the NoHo Center for New Thought.

Shortly after meeting the love of her life, Paul Pondella, and adopting his beloved wolves, Shadow and Alaska, Shadow was diagnosed with an incurable, inoperable and untreatable soft tissue sarcoma on September 16, 2008 and given two months to live.

Together, inspired by Shadow's courage, the entire pack took a journey... first to the wild within. This Spiritual endeavor led them on a path of discovery unveiling brand new technology...Spiritual, Holistic and Medical.

Shadow is still with us today. Come meet her and hear this Inspirational Tale.

WHEN: March 10th.
TIME: 7:00pm
Center for Spiritual Living
Westlake Village
880 Hampshire Road, Suite W
Westlake Village, CA 91361

No RSVP Required