Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Letter to Secretary Sally Jewell to Protest the Delisting of Wolves

To protest UFW's plan to delist all wolves, please print, sign your name and send this letter, or write your own. Thank you for all you do. 

Secretary Sally Jewell
Department of Interior
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20240

CC: Dan Ashe, Director
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20240

Dear Secretary Jewell,

The extirpation of wolves and large carnivores from large portions of the landscape is a global phenomenon with broad ecological consequences.  There is a growing body of scientific literature demonstrating that keystone predators play critical roles in maintaining a diversity of other wildlife species and as such the composition and function of ecosystems. Research in Yellowstone National Park, for example, found that reintroduction of wolves caused changes in elk numbers and behavior which then facilitated recovery of streamside vegetation, benefitting beavers, fish and songbirds. In this and other ways, wolves shape North American landscapes.

Since the fate of the Gray Wolf has been turned over to the states in the Pacific Northwest and the Northern Rockies, hunters and trappers have been driven by a ruthless zeal for a new game animal, and have been no less than brutally cruel. Wolves have been tortured in leg hold traps and strangled to death. Even dogs have been released to kill wolves caught in these traps. There are hunters’ reports of imparting “belly shots” so the wolves would suffer more in their final hours of life. There are hunters who brag about their “Shoot, Shovel and Shut-Up” poaching techniques for hiding many illegal kills. This is far from any concept of Wildlife Management. Since the states took over wolf management in the NW, virtually all of the collared wolves in Yellowstone have been killed. Many have been lured out of the sanctity of the park with recordings of pups in distress and the scent of bait, only to walk into a bone-crushing trap or find themselves in the cross hairs of a gun. These states have abused their stewardship of the Gray Wolf, evidenced every day in their photos and posts on public forums.

Little Red Riding Hood is fable, not fact. However, wolves, more than any other North American predator, have been the subjects of extreme prejudice and persecution, which mandates even more protection for them from the federal government, not a complete abdication of the successful Endangered Species Act by the president of the United States and his federal agencies.

The Gray Wolf has barely begun to recover or is absent from significant portions of its former range where substantial suitable habitat remains. The Fish and Wildlife Service’s draft rule fails to consider science identifying extensive suitable habitat in the Pacific Northwest, California, the southern Rocky Mountains and the Northeast. It also fails to consider the importance of these areas to the long-term survival and recovery of wolves, or the importance of wolves to the ecosystems of these regions.

Given the importance of wolves and the fact that they have only just begun to recover in some regions and not at all in others, I strongly urge you to reconsider the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s proposal to remove protections across most of the United States.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

How We Survived the Powerhouse Fire Part I

How We Survived the Powerhouse Fire
Part I

On Thursday afternoon, May 30th while watering our trees here at Freedom, I got a call from our dear friend Brice Bolander who saw smoke in our area from his location down in Antelope Valley. I told him we must be clear of it as I saw nothing but clear skies all around. Within about a half an hour, I saw a big smoke funnel appear on the other side of the mountain on the Southeast side behind us. Of course I checked out the news and they were calling it the Powerhouse Fire already, but the LA County Fire Department seemed to have it contained.

10:30 Saturday Morning June 1st

Friday morning, with no smoke in sight, Paul headed down the mountain to work with Tree King and I set myself to do my chores. Around 10:30 AM a huge cloud of black and red smoke was billowing directly south of us. I searched for any information about the location of the fire and found out the US Forestry Service had taken over and the fire was only 15% contained, heading Northwest, away from us. I called Paul, who headed home immediately.  

We got a call from Dan Running Bear, our wolf sitter, who let us know that another  friend of Shadowland, Bobby Torres who happens to be with the Reserves and is familiar with fighting fires, was driving up from Chilao to be with us in case the fire comes close.  He arrived along with our new good friends, Carol and Chelsea Riggins who has a holding area for the wolves in case we had to evacuate. They came up from Santa Clarita to help us if necessary. Glued to the US Forestry website we thought we were tracking the fire’s progress accurately.

Randall, Paul and Bobby
Finished Project
We recently were fortunate enough to get a hold of a Lakota Tipi (lodge), and we had already scheduled our Tipi master, Randall Hogue to come help us install it. 
We woke up to a relatively clear sky. 

Randall arrived about 10:30 AM with no problems and with all good thoughts and with “only the best outcome” our intention, we proceeded to erect the Tipi. 

Slowly, but surely, the sky started to fill with smoke over the Southwest portion of the mountain behind us. The sky in the west started turning bright orange, but still looked as though it would burn west and pass us by. There was very little updated information about where the fire was so we could track it.

Around 11:30 AM, we saw our neighbors, Nick Stone and Bob McKinley drive by apparently evacuating their horses. I got a call from our neighbors, Teresa and Jay Jackson whose son Eddie helps me often with the wolves and our events. They live on top of the hill just south of the lake.  They told us that they were starting evacuation of residents in Lake Hughes. We still could not get updated info on the progression of the fire from the web and the news. We felt we should make the trucks ready for evacuation, even though we were still hopeful the fire was going to pass by us. 

Then around 6PM, I watched the Channel 7 news for a live report, directly from Lake Hughes saying the fire was spreading, but at this time no structures are in danger. Great news! I started the process of feeding all of us when Bobby said that there were flames coming over the mountain heading our way. I called my spiritual center first thing to put out a prayer request. Then Bobby and I went outside and he said, “They’re gone and they’re not coming back.” He was referring to the planes and helicopters that had been fighting the fires all day long. The US Forestry doesn’t fly at night apparently. The Fire Dept. does on a limited basis, but we found out later that they were not authorized to help. 
As I frantically got the wolves loaded in the truck, I couldn’t help thinking that they spent the entire day on the forest and now that people’s homes and property are in danger, they are going home! Paul had called Brice and Heather Bolander who drove up from Leona Valley straight into and evacuation area to help. Heather was going to evacuate the animals with me and Brice hopped on the tractor and started to create a barrier on the perimeter of the property while Paul wet down the roofs and walls of the houses. 

"Don't Look at the Fire!"

Paul was insisting he would stay and keep Freedom from burning, and I realized that my panic was about leaving him and not that I was worried about me and the wolves. I was finally able to articulate my feelings to him as he was literally holding my shoulders in place. He said, “Don’t look at the fire; look at the flag! See where the wind is blowing. It’s changing. Watch, it’s going to burn around us.” I saw the flag with a strong wind blowing due east as the fire was headed north down the mountain towards us. A sudden calm came over me and I said, “Well, you are powerful!”
Just as Heather and I were about to head out, Paul got a call from the LA County Fire Dept and that they were going to use Freedom as a staging area so don’t go anywhere even though there was a mandatory evacuation order in place at this time. So we did not go either. The wolves were safe in the trucks with the engines running and the air conditioners on.  As long as they had eyes on us, they were calm. Our neighbor’s, Bob and Claire McKinley called to tell us that they had their animals loaded and were headed to some friends in Frazier Park. They have a log house that sits up against the mountain just west of us and looked as though it would blow away from them too. So we said, “Come here first”. They showed up with their 4 dogs, 2 cats, 3 goats and 4 chickens on their trailer and in their car. 

Coming Down the Mountain
Power and cell service went out around 8 PM. With the darkness, we witnessed the mountain behind us burn with a rage! We heard our neighbor’s propane tanks explode as the fire moved sideways to the east and engulfed his pine trees. 

The whole place looked like a bon fire x 100 as the LA County Fire Fighters were hard at work trying to save his house. Just the Saturday before, Paul and his Tree King crew had landscaped his property for his daughter’s upcoming wedding. 
The Wind Shifts

The hill behind the lake was lit up with a wall of fire. Even the Fire Dept. figured nothing could survive it; the Jackson's house was surely gone. It moved within minutes around to the northeast jumping Pine Canyon Rd. and headed up to the Oaks Christian Camp who’s owners, Christine and Dan Smith had also come down to Freedom to stay safe; a perfect view to bear witness to the fire moving toward their home and facility.

View From Leona Valley
Another neighbor drove up and asked if he could park his car here. He couldn’t take it with him. Carol and Patrick arrived from the west to help with the animals and to help protect our house. They literally drove to the fire to help us out. 

Our beloved Vet, Dr. Dave Gantenbien called to see if we needed any tranquilizers for the wolves when he lives in Leona Valley and would have had to drive through the fire that was headed his way in order to get here. I told him to stay home. He has animals too. The wolves were still surprisingly calm.
View of Elizabeth Lake

By midnight, it looked as though the worst was over. We put the animals back in the house to their great relief.  Brice and Heather headed home and sent this photo of the fire that was on both sides of the road near Lake Elizabeth. Not sure why they went the short way home, just grateful they made it home without incident. 

Carol and Patrick asked if there was anyone they could call for us. We asked him to call Paul’s mother to let her know we are okay, but unreachable, and to see if his brother, George had a generator he could send up for us. They said they had one we could borrow and they would bring up a couple on Sunday for the main house and the pump for the well.

Bobby would not come to nap or sleep so he could watch for anything the Fire Dept might need. 

We helped the McKinley’s unload the goats in one of our enclosures and also refused to leave them to come inside and sleep. The baby goats were crying and that sound is heartbreaking and unbearable for humans, but irresistible if you are a wolf named Takoda. He howled at them until I finally lassoed him around 3:30 AM and brought him inside with us which really bummed him out.

Part II Coming Soon...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Howl and Shout Out to South Pasadena Middle School 7th Graders !

Recently we did one of our wolf education programs for close to 400 7th graders at South Pasadena Middle School.  The program was a huge success! and the students, a lively, inquisitive and intelligent bunch, were enthralled with Allie, Takoda, Keme and Freedom and gained much knowledge about wolves and the need for their protection.

This is apparent in the incredibly insightful, passionate, informed and well written letters that they wrote to the CA Department of Fish and Game to support granting endangered status to wolves in California under the state's Endangered Species Act.  This to ensure protection for Journey (OR-7) and the wolves that will surely follow him migrating to California. The hearing is today.

While we await CA Fish and Game's decision, we want to give an especial Shout Out aka Howl to the students for their amazing letters and their compassion and passion for wolves- and I must add that if 7th graders are as intelligent and involved as these students, then we need not worry about the future for wolves or for ourselves. Here's the letter we sent to thank them personally:

Seventh Grade Students of SPMS
1500 Fair Oaks Ave.
South Pasadena, CA 91030
Dear Students,

I want to thank you all for taking the time out of your busy day at school to come to our assembly and also participating in a letter writing campaign to help put Journey and future wolves migrating to California on the California Endangered Species List. I read each and every one of your letters myself and am so impressed with your knowledge, your compassion and your  ability to express your thoughts so effectively.

So impressed ,that with your permission I would like to copy them and send them to  President Barack Obama on your behalf. As many of your letters expressed, it is never too late to do the right thing.

Please thank your teachers for their participation...Ms. Wells and the Science teachers that did a lesson on wolves for you as well. Their participation lets me know that you inquired for more knowledge about wolves and put research behind your decisions and  opinions.

I applaud you all for your commitment to this, even those who had some disagreement with us. I hope the California Fish & Game Commission sends you the information you requested. Please give yourselves and each other a hand. (I can hear you!)

As you hear my words in this letter, the Commission will be in session to hear arguments for and against the wolves being placed on the California Endangered Species List.

I am certain, all of you have made and will continue to  make a huge difference in their decision. I will continue to update you on the outcome.

The Shadowland Foundation Pack,
Paul, Colette, Gwenn, Judy, Janice and especially Takoda, Alaska, Keme, Freedom and their pack mates.

So, THANK YOU All for your support of Shadowland and the wolves!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Trapping Travesty

There is a nameless war going on in America. Distracted by more pressing economic issues, it has gone relatively unnoticed by the nation even though it is a movement motivated by politics and economics. Unfortunately the victims of this assault are completely out numbered, unarmed and utterly helpless to save themselves.  A very calculated campaign designed to create hysteria has been heavily funded and very successful so far in motivating and enlisting  state and federal  governments to help create  policy to annihilate a very small misunderstood population. 

“By any means necessary” is their battle call…methods outlawed by most nations worldwide is fair game and legal to use here, just for this particular foe. I am talking about wolves.

In 1995-96 the Clinton administration helped fund the re-introduction of wolves into a then failing Yellowstone National Park. Conservationists estimated that the 66 wolves would grow and migrate to territories outside the park boundary one day to help heal the environments suffering from their absence for nearly a century from a deliberate attempt to cause their extinction.  However, they lacked the foresight to legally address the unreasonable opposition to the re-introduction in the first place by the states surrounding Yellowstone.

Without sound science, these states and their representatives have successfully interfered with the Endagered Species Act, rendering it useless if you have enough political clout. In 2009 wolves lost their federal protections in Idaho and Montana who enacted the first wolf hunting seasons.  Deemed by a federal judge to be counter to the standards set by the Endangered Species Act, they won back their protections temporarily. Through a very cunning and unprecedented legislative maneuver, they lost their protections…forever. Language in the legislation says that it cannot be revisited and or be subject to judicial review. Although it sounds unconstitutional, it was declared to be by the 9th district court this past year. 

As a result, wolves lost their protections in Oregon, Washington, Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming is working on it. In fact, there has not even been a sighting in Utah; they just suspect it is coming. This made way for Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin to gain State rights to “manage” wolves too. As a result, hunting season for 2011 in Idaho and Montana kept extending into 2012 month after month, into breeding season and beyond with pups and collared wolves as fair game. Idaho especially had a quota to reach and yet they did not get close to the number of kills desired.

Neither state reached the number of kills they wanted for many reasons perhaps.  They are nocturnal and have an outstanding sense of hearing and smell which makes it easy for them to hide from the hunters.  This upcoming season they have passed legislation to allow the use of traps. Idaho tried to pass a law that would allow using live bait…dogs and cats from shelters. Wisconsin has approved the use of trained hunting dogs…most of which are killed by the wolves before the hunters catch up to kill the wolf. These practices have not been used or allowed for nearly a century because they are considered inhumane.

We are talking about less than 4,000 wolves in a 9 state area. It is mathematically impossible for wolves to be wrecking havoc to a degree that warrants such abhorrent behavior against them. For perspective, we have 5,000 coyotes in Los Angeles County alone. There are at least 200 just within a mile of our property which is the number of wolves in the entire state of Wyoming. Yet when presenting my case to their state legislature, challenging the scientific evidence they say they are basing their policy on, I was called an Environmental Jihadist. I have the emails documented as proof.

All politics aside, allowing the trapping of wild animals again is beneath our dignity and as stewards of the earth, we need to shout from the mountain tops that this practice is wrong and should be stopped. The public however does not know, and those who do are not being heard. Here is a link to an article that was beautifully written in The Missoulan, a newspaper in Montana.

We educate, that is our mission. Our intention is to promote ecotourism which is a billion dollar industry and that is our secret weapon against this war. We believe that when the citizens of these states understand that “wolves are good for business”, they will vote accordingly for their own economic benefit. In 2010, we estimate that Yellowstone National Park generated $1,382,400,000.00 based on these statistics:  Nearly 1 million visitors came to the park. Most visitors spend 3.2 days in the park and spent approximately $108.00 per day on food, lodging, gifts, souvenirs and the like. The park admits that 40% of those visitors came to see wolves.

We have sent an email to Lisa Ling at the Oprah Winfrey Network asking for them to give this issue National exposure. This attention by OWN would lead to even more good news for the wolves in the wild.  An expose, promoting peace, prosperity and ethics is what we wrote to ask them to consider. If you have a moment and would like to write to OWN urging them to take action, we think it would be very effective. 

Trapping wild animals is outrageous, cruel and sets humanity back a century. Please help save the wild ones. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Update on little Idaho wolf pup "Boise"

The little Idaho wolf pup has landed at his new home at Bush Gardens in VA. As promised, I am following his progress with them since so many of you were so helpful in supporting our efforts to bring him here.
We would have loved to have him, and somewhat happy he is being trained as an ambassador for wolves contribution to the environment. The press about him mentions that if coming upon a pup in the wild, let nature take it's course. Normally we would agree...but man is shooting, trapping and killing their pack families in Idaho, Montana and soon in Wyoming, Wisconsin and other Great Lake states as well.
"Boise" as they have named him will not be an ambassador for his fallen family and that is a shame. There is no mention in the press of the senseless, hysterical "management" policies that probably took him from his mother in the first place. We know, and we will not stop telling this side of his story.
He is a beautiful boy. The two black wolves were acquired from a breeder in Montana apparently. I can find no further information on them.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


It has been a long time since I wrote on our blog. I have been really busy following the plight of the wolves in the wild and advocating politically in the states that want to hunt them. It is more difficult than you know just to read about it, much less report about it. I have come to the conclusion that I have a passion for advocacy, but I do not have much stomach for it, especially in the political arena. Discouragement has been my closest friend of late.

On the ranch, there are so many signs that spring has sprung; the birds are nesting, the trees are blooming, the rain is falling and we have a new life...little Kiyuska...our little Freedom. Encouragement has come back to me.
Every year as in a wild pack, the new pups give a renewed sense of purpose and renewed spirit to survive and there is no difference for us here.

Freedom was born March 3rd and came to us at 17 days old. Many are concerned that he was too young to take from his mother, and so was I in the beginning. However, waiting until after they can see and hear and completely bonded to their litter mates and surroundings, it is far more traumatic , especially for wolves. He has a bottle every 3 hours (yes, all through the night) and started on puppy food at nearly 3 weeks old. He was 11" on the day we got him and is now almost 17" long. His teeth have broken through in the last week and those little fangs are as sharp as needles. His ears stood up, he can run (sort of) and he pees on his pee pad as long as I carry him there.

Ogin, Kachina and Chenoa have become his constant companions and are the best babysitters. Tehya, Cochise and Keme are a little hesitant with him, but I am sure they will adopt other roles as he grows. For us, witnessing this natural process is just exhilarating. For me...he has renewed my Spirit and purpose. My job as their caretaker, leader and advocate is to keep my consciousness clear and know that our mission is "the good fight" and focus on the life, not the death of these magnificent creatures. So I will continue to train them, introduce them and present them to as many people in the world as I can and that will be the highest good for me, our pack family, and I know that my prayers and the life energy I send to the wild ones will serve their highest good as well.

Please continue to follow our progress on this blog, and watch Freedom (both our little guy and the ranch) thrive. We implore you to share it with your family, friends and co-workers. Let's all see them running free and happy in their natural habitat, surrounded by Eco-friendly tourists with binoculars and cameras. We can make this happen!

Thank you,

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Blessings from the Wild Ones

Fighting the Good Fight

In many Native American cultures, wolves are revered teachers. They believe that wolf medicine is in the East and the yellow eyes of the wolf rise every day with the yellow sun to teach us all day long. Their social and survival skills surpass us completely when it comes to taking care of each other as a whole. It is part of my philosophy to see through troubled times, knowing there is an invisible, mysterious force that only knows good; fueled by good intentions it is quite powerful and we are powerful allies to this force.

Since the news for wolves in the Rocky Mountain States is very troubling and critical, I am going to know that they, our teachers, have a higher lesson to teach us right now than their survival in that region. If so, wolves could be the answer, not only for a healthier ecosystem, but could commence the eradication of the corruption happening in our government. I know that sounds very dramatic, but here is what is happening…

Wolves in 5 states (Idaho, Montana, Utah, Oregon, & Washington) have been removed from the Endangered Species List. Much has happened against and for the benefit of wolves in the wild; albeit legally complicated, I will do my best to explain what we have learned. It has been both enlightening and excruciating.

Last Spring, Senator Jon Tester, a Democrat from Montana wrote and attached a rider that was buried in a 459 page Congressional budget bill that he knew would pass both houses and President Obama signed into law on April 25, 2011. Although the rider did not mention the words “grey wolves” or the Endangered Species Act, he successfully accomplished his mission to take wolves in the Rocky Mountains off of the endangered species list. We believe that Congress thought it was just agreeing to reissue a 2009 delisting rule (not knowing what it was) even though a District Court ruling had already over turned the delisting rule and returned the wolves to the Endangered Species List in July of 2010.

The language of the rider did use phrasing that “prohibits all judicial review” and what District Court Judge Donald Malloy in Missoula Montana called “magic words” that prohibited him from declaring the rider unconstitutional even though he called it “a tearing away, an undermining and a disrespect for the fundamental idea of the rule of law.” It is now in the hands of the 9th District Court due to a precedent set by them in two previous cases. However there are fundamental differences which call in question the Separation of Powers Doctrine. On Tuesday, November 8th, Shadowland Foundation supporters held a support rally outside the court and attended the hearing and heard arguments. We are anxiously awaiting their ruling.

Statements made to the press by Senator Jon Tester make it clear that he designed the rider to circumvent the District Court’s decision without amending the ESA, which is unconstitutional. He is that blatant about it. This is a U.S. Senator! Similar statements have been made by Republican Representative Mike Simpson from Idaho who has also attempted similar legislation. This is an outrage, not just because of the wolves, but as Americans, we are personally incensed at this corruption and abuse of our legislative process and know that the abuses are much broader than just saving this precious species.

How is it possible for approximately 1,650 wolves over a 5 state area to amass such devastation as to prompt an act of Congress to obliterate them? Just to give some perspective…there are approximately 5,000 coyote’s in Los Angeles County alone, 750,000 in the state of California. Hunting in these states represents about 5% of the population, Ranchers and Oil interests about 1%. These are million dollar industries along with Fish & Wildlife agencies, in place to safeguard wildlife, but their salaries are paid by seasonal hunting licenses. They are using the rhetoric, “States Rights” as their rallying call, even though wolves are living on Federal Land, which is the real issue; who gets to use it and thrive on it. Not an endangered species! Would it surprise you to know that Ecotourism brought in over a Billion dollars in 2010 just to Yellowstone National Park alone? This business serves 93% of the people and seems of no interest to these politicians.

As a result of the passing of this deliberate unconstitutional piece of legislation, wolves are now being hunted in Idaho and Montana and have been since late August, 2011. Over 37,000 permits have been sold to kill 1,000 wolves…two thirds of the entire population. The count to date of wolves killed is 201. Hunting season in Idaho ends March 31, 2012, when pregnant females and pups will be available for killing also. They call this a “Harvest”.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar claimed the wolves were recovered and created the 2009 delisting rule saying they could sustain such hunts. In a television interview recently, when asked why we would spend hundreds of millions of dollars to recover the wolves only to annihilate them again, he made no comment.

He wasted no time in giving the 5 states rights to “manage” wolves themselves and although Wyoming was not listed as one of the states in the rider, Mr. Salazar delisted them there as well on his own. As I write this, Wyoming legislators are drafting legislation to allow wolves to be shot on site over 90% of the state and also includes very contagious language “prohibiting all judicial review” in their proposal. U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis, a Republican from Wyoming successfully inserted a no-litigation rider into a 2012 congressional appropriations bill, as well as a clause that would immediately put Wyoming wolves under state control similar to the one just passed in April. Never before has any elected or appointed official dared to take an endangered species off the endangered species list, violating its very essence with a complete disregard for its provisions and specifications.

Because these are wolves we are talking about…there have been no consequences for their actions. Tyranny is a word I learned from the writings of J. Madison lately, and it is alive and well and living in Washington DC; crossing both party lines, unchecked and most likely happening on an even bigger level on other vital issues leaving Americans without freedoms which our government is set up to protect. We do not know yet what the 9th District Court will decide, but we know that we are doing everything in our power to expose and speak up about these abuses for wolves and as proud Americans. We ask for your continued support and applaud your participation to help stop injustices of all kinds in all areas of our lives. I still believe in WE THE PEOPLE, and I still believe in ALL THE PEOPLE.

There were hundreds of riders attached to the “must pass” bill in April and even more to come in 2012. The appeal filed by 4 conservation groups to the 9 District Court where we rallied, was not about wolves, although it directly affects them; it was about corrupt, unconstitutional legislation. This is an opportunity for these judges to “Man Up” as my husband Paul Pondella puts it. These judges have lifetime appointments, but they were appointed and approved by the very legislators they would have to rule against. It is a time for courage.

The first appeal in 2010 that put the wolves back on the endangered species list was brought by 14 conservation groups. Ten of the biggest and most lucrative bowed out of the process after the April delisting in fear of losing protections for other species. The very politicians that are behind these betrayals are the ones they are now wooing for future favors. Isn’t that like inviting a snake into your bed thinking it won’t bite you?

Our neighbor and good friend, Bob McKinley had some wise words. He said, “You have to continue to fight the good fight; for wins are never permanent but neither are losses.” We are fighting with our gentle pack of eight. This is the best we can do at this time. As for the wolves in the Rocky Mountains, their current sacrifice may teach us how to stand up to Tyranny with courage and faith, for our freedoms, before it is too late.

Colette Duvall Pondella
Co-Founder of Shadowland Foundation
Lake Hughes, CA