Friday, November 13, 2009

Times Square Ad

The hardest thing I have to do on a daily basis for is hear about the wolf kills to date. We're up to 162 in Idaho and Montana. This doesn't even cout the hundreds in Alaska thanks to the "Rougue" herself. My spiritual practice says to see past the moment and vision what ought to be. I am happy to do that as I know that it makes a differnce in shifting the consciousness around the one that thinks it is necessary to destroy them even though science has proved the need for them. We are paying for the damage caused by their absence past and present, but I am convinced we will correct it for the future.
Please visit and help them produce their second ad to run in Time Square. It is helping make a huge dent in awareness of the situation.
Until next time, knowing only the best,
Colette, Paul, Shadow, Allie and Takoda

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"A Howling Halloween" Great Success!

"A Howling Halloween" was such a great success. Our next event is scheduled for December 12th and it is so exciting for the dream to unfold. We here at Shadowland Foundation, Inc. call it Playing with Wolves, a Wolf Education Program for children of All ages because the connection to the childlike wild spirit within the adults is awakened by the connection and touch of these beautiful animals. The kids get it before they arrive, the adults re-discover it. Seeing the faces of all the children in the room as they get licked and kissed by those powerful tongues is remarkable and unforgetable and sheer bliss for us to provide and only natural for Shadow, Allie and Takoda to give.
I did just receive an outreach from the to sign a letter to Ken Salazar to stop the wolf hunt in Idaho and Montana before it's too late. They make it so easy to make a difference. Please log on and sign. It takes a community to go up against special interest. Just remember, these wolves belong to you. Your tax dollars re-instated them 13 years ago and has sustained the scientific research done to understand their contrubution to the environment. All of it could be shattered in a matter of months if allowed to continue; millions of dollars wasted, ecological recovery set back, and wolf packs...gone! It breaks my heart.
Please see them as we do, living long healthy productive, protected lives with  mutual respect for each other.
Until next time.  Paul, Colette, Shadow, Alaska and Takoda.

Friday, October 30, 2009

A Howling Halloween is just in time so wolves don't run out of it!

Last chance for A Howling Halloween! Please come and bring your friends for this exciting day for all ages. This is an extraordinarily dangerous time for wolves in the country once again. Hunting season has been extended in Idaho and Montana to an unprecidected 7 months, since this is the first wolf hunt in decades. In just 4 days in Montana, almost 30 were shot and killed including tagged wolves that have contributed to science and study never before possible until 1996.

The Shadowland Foundation, Inc. is introducing our pack inorder to show you why the wolf is vital to our survival as human beings and their contribution to the environment. Please visit us and Defenders of Wildlife and let them hear your voice. Just, FYI, these wolves belong to you, they have been reinstated with your tax dollars, they are on public land being hunted on behalf of private individuals for private gain.

In the meantime, hold these precious animals in your mind as safe and sound in their natual habitat and their pups happy and healthy in their dens.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Help Stop the Wolf Hunt...Yellowstone Cottonwood Pack Gone!

I am compelled to share some sad news about the status of wolves in Yellowstone National Park area and their inclusion in the September 2009 hunting season in Idaho and Montana. The Cottonwood Pack that served our scientific community and were closely viewed by park visitors were shot and killed. They made one mistake, they never killed any livestock, they just traveled outside of the park boundary, and boom.
Defenders of Wildlife, has a petition you can sign and send to be hand delivered by them to the now Obama Administration that allowed the Bush Administration policy regarding protections to be removed. Please go to this site and sign the petition? I urge you. It is likely this pack left behind some pups that may starve during the upcoming winter.
Idaho wants to rid the state of 220 wolves and Montana, 75. At least 60 have already been killed. All under the guise of loosing too many elk and deer. There is no evidence of a shortage of these animals or numbers near extinction like the wolves.
Here pictured are our three, ambassadors for their wild friends. The mission of Shadowland Foundation, Inc., is clear, this keystone species is vital to the environment and the success of our planet. They need our help now more than ever.
Thank you so much,
Paul, Colette, Shadow, Allie and Takoda

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Live at The NoHo Arts Center in this
October 31st.  1:00pm - 3:00pm
Goody Bags will be given to all the Children in Attendance
Adults-$35  Children-$20  Under 6-One FREE with each Paid Adult
Call (818) 508-7101 for Tickets TODAY!!!


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  • Environmental Programs
  • Book your own Private Shadowland Party
  • Films and Documentaries in Development
Please visit our website  
or call us directly at  (818) 766-1825.